Boost Organic Facebook Reach

Suzanne Perkins M
11 min readAug 31, 2020

3 Examples For Facebook Engagement

Want to know exactly what to post to boost organic Facebook reach and make sales in social media?

Today I’m gonna show you three posts that have made me a ton of money, that I didn’t use any ads on.

And, I’m gonna teach you exactly how to do the same thing in your business.

If you’ve been following my Facebook Engagement for Business series, you know that if you want to make sales, you need to get people to engage, like, share, and comment on your posts.

I’ve already talked about the 80/20 rule, and how you get more engagement in sales if 80% of your post are value based, and only 20% are promotional.

Plus, I’ve actually given you some really great examples to follow for the value based posts. So now it’s time to learn the critical step of how to create great promotional posts, posts that boost organic Facebook reach and maximize your engagement and your sales.

If you want to catch this in video format instead then just click below.

If not, no worries, just read on.

If you wanna catch up on those previous posts that cover all that information, I have them list at the end under Related Posts.

But for right now, subscribe to my Insider Newsletter so that you don’t miss any future posts and so that you get first access to all the specials and bonuses that come down the pipeline regularly. Also, so you don’t miss out on any more great information to help you leverage the internet, get your message out, generate leads, and make sales in your business.

One thing that will help your posts get more traction is to actually NOT include the link in your post.

Honestly, you may think that sounds really counterproductive or even counterintuitive, as it’s a promotional post, right? And you wanna send them off to a capture page to generate the lead, or to a blog post, or to a sales page.

So why in the world would you not include the link in your post?

Well, simply put, because Facebook doesn’t like it.

They wanna keep people on Facebook. When you include a link in your post, Facebook will show it to fewer people. If you don’t include the links in your post, how do you get people to head off to your page?

My #1 Recommendation for Affiliate Marketers

Well, let’s dive into some examples of three different posts that have made me a lot of money and show you exactly how to work around this. It will also boost organic Facebook reach at the same time. And, I’m about to show you how to use it in your business.

Boost Organic Facebook Reach
Post #1

This the first post we’re gonna dive into. I’ve made a lot of money from this particular post.

I’m gonna walk you through what works about it, and show you how it still worked even though I didn’t include the link in the actual post.

The first thing, as you will see, I definitely have an image. You always want an image on your promotional posts. It will give your post more algorithm preference, so to speak. And Facebook will show it to more people.

It’s also a very eye-catching post, something with bright colors, bright letters. Red(ish) tends to really stand out to people. So that’s something to keep in mind.

I used an app called WordSwag to create this image. Totally awesome app. I have used it to create almost all of my images. If I’m not using WordSwag, then I’m using

This is a post specifically to promote a business opportunity with people.

Example: “For the next 2 days ONLY, I am opening my Inner Circle and helping 20 people earn $2K next week. This kicks off Monday, so you need to lock in your spot THIS weekend.”

“Not gonna lie, it takes work, but it’s so worth it. Comment “I’m in” below, and I’ll send you the details. And just apply and start lacing up your work boots!”

So what works about this is that I’m specifically speaking to an audience that I’ve already warmed up. I’ve provided great value to them already.

They know that I mean business. They know that I can help them make real money. That I can teach them how to market. They have seen the value in what I can provide. And now when they see this message, it actually resonates with them.

There is also a level of exclusivity. Only 20 people, right? Exclusivity in your posts is helpful. It is a good marketing tool.

Next, a good aspect is having it be time-sensitive, only the next 2 days, also very, very helpful with the exclusivity. So the exclusivity and the time-frame is gonna help people actually take the next step.

It just helps to push people over the edge to take the next step, because they realize that they might miss out. It’s FOMO, right? The fear of Missing Out.

I also talk about it being hard work. That I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. I’m also being very straightforward that it’s going to take work.

Number one, this is going to attract people who are willing to work, which is who I wanna work with.

But, number two, this is very appealing for people that understand the reality of the world. That you actually have to work to make money and they wanna see someone who’s gonna be real about that and not lie to them and say that it’s gonna be easy. So this post really, really worked.

Alright, I tell them to comment “I’m in”, and I will send you the details. So this was something they commented, “I’m in” in the comments, and then I messaged them the information where they had to opt in on a capture page, and get the information that I was offering.

People were saying I’m in, and then instead of hitting the “reply” button, I chose to do a regular comment on the post. It ads another comment to the post, gives the whole post a bit more meat or preference for the algorithm than just replying. And then I tag the person, and tell them I’m shooting them a private message. So, I’m letting them know and then I’m sending it.

You might not be connected with the person, so they may or may not get that notification in their messages, and people may or may not check their messages. Not everyone is super Facebook savvy.

So I just always let them know to look for that message. Again, it’s telling them to look for it so they can get the information, but the way that I go about it will also boost your post and the algorithm getting more and more comments on it.

I also go through the comments and like, laugh, love, etc each post.

The more interaction the better. Not just the same thing, if it was all likes, it wouldn’t be as powerful as if there were likes, loves, laughs, etc. and a mixture of everything. That is more powerful for the algorithm preferences, if you will.

So please make sure that when people are commenting you are liking, loving, wow’ing, whatever’s appropriate, and even liking your own. Okay? Liking or loving your own post and then going through and liking, loving, laughing, whatever, at all of the comments on the post is gonna help that algorithm as well.

This post was actually for a high ticket offer. And I made sales off of this without any ad dollars spent. There was zero advertising budget spent on this. It was completely organic and it worked really well.

Boost Organic Facebook Reach
Post #2

The screen capture is hard to read, but the post says:

“About to send out a super exclusive invite to my Insider Newsletter only!

“If you’ve seen the results that I’ve helped others get in their businesses…..You won’t want to miss this!”

“I’ll put the link to jump on the newsletter in the comments. So just Comment to let me know that you’re in and click the link that I send to get signed up now!”

This post is actually promoting my newsletter, so getting people just directly onto my email list.

I’m offering something exclusive to my email list, so you better get on the email, is the message.

Again, I’m using a picture, because I always wanna add a picture whenever doing a promotional post, especially.

And, I’m telling people to comment to let me know.

Here’s the thing, guys, I didn’t have time to comment, by going back and forth with people individually. I just had a lot of stuff going on that point and knew I wouldn’t be able to be attentive, so I put the link in the comments, and I told them that in the post.

But I still told them to comment on the post and then click the link to get to the newsletter.

So some people will just click the link and some will do both.

But that’s okay. I generated a bunch of leads that added people to my email list through this simple promotional post. So this worked really, really well. Simple and basic, but I’m still telling them to comment and got a bunch of engagement on the post as well.

Boost Organic Facebook Reach
Post #3

This says:

“I have something cooking that I am REALLY excited about.”

“Will solve A LOT of people’s problems & help them go full-time in their businesses MUCH faster.”

“Want to speed up your income curve? Want time freedom now instead of after 5–7 years of hard work?”

“Comment below & I’ll give you the inside scoop. Looking to work with a small handful of folks before going public with it all.”

This is another promotional post that worked incredibly well.

Again, I used WordSwag to create this. The colors really pop, that bright color works really, really well and catches people’s eyes.

So take some time, especially if this is a promotional post that you really want to work for you. Take a little extra time, use WordSwag or some other app and create a really standout image, and that’s gonna help you very much.

As before, I’m excited about something, I’m offering to help people, right? To help people go full-time in their business faster, help them to reach their time freedom now, and comment below and I’ll give you the inside scoop.

I say I’m looking to work with a small handful of people before going public. So again, there’s a level of exclusivity with this, which is very helpful.

As I’m going through the comments of those who responded and sending them the individual messages or links, I’m commenting to let them know that I am sending the link.

Now, what’s cool guys, if you are doing this on a business page, you can actually set up a messenger bot, like ManyChat to automatically send these out when people comment with the response that you instruct them to respond with.

One thing that’s really cool, and what Facebook loves even more than all these comments is having different types of comments.

So, let’s say you’re in the fitness world, and you’ve got something different, maybe a different video or a different handout, or different products that you’re offering people. For instance you have products for if they wanna build muscle or if they want to burn fat, what’s their primary goal?

You could do a Facebook live, you could do a picture post that’s telling them to either say muscle or fat, in the comments, right?

That makes Facebook even happier. Then you can set up your messenger bot to send them a different thing or link based on their answer or what their response is. So that’s really cool that you can use that.

Something like these posts, as mentioned, you’re really pushing it. You really want to get some traction on this post. It’s a promotional post. You want it to have as much algorithm presence as possible. Then you want to let it simmer. You don’t wanna make a post, honestly, for a few days after this, okay?

For each of these promotional posts, I definitely waited several days before I made any more posts on Facebook, because what happens when you make your next post, Facebook kind of bumps your old post out of people’s news feeds and starts promoting your new post.

If you have something that you’re wanting to promote with, you’re really working on building the engagement and getting in front of people, then definitely hold off on making any more posts until you’ve given it a few days to really do its work, and help you make those sales.

You can see the key components of what goes into these types of posts. How to still promote without actually using a link, which is important, and how to give it all the extra algorithm presence as possible, and how to move people to take action.

Depending on your industry and what your offer is, the post is gonna vary a lot. So, if you’re looking just to build your list, you can give away some freebie that speaks to your target audience. Offer them something free, getting them on your list in the process.

Now you’re building your email list or you’re building your ManyChat list, whichever you’re looking to build.

Your promotional post may be an actual product, okay? Where you’re looking to just sell a product.

Okay, awesome!

You’re sending them the information on the product, the link to purchase.

This could be used for getting people on a webinar. If you sell digital products on a webinar, this would be a great way to get registrants on your webinar.

If you sell coaching, consulting, anything like that, this is a great way to get people to apply for that coaching, apply for consulting, whatever that next step is with you.

So the process is really the same, independent of whatever industry you’re in. This should get your wheels turning, and give you some ideas on what you can do, and help you make some amazing posts that can make you a lot of money.

Let me know in the comments what tip or example was the most helpful for you.

Please know that I am in your corner and on your side and I am here to help you create the time freedom AND financial freedom that you and your family deserve. So subscribe so that I can do that.

If this is your first time here, gimme a shout out in the comments, I would love to welcome you to the community. Be sure to watch the next video for more great information.

Be sure to catch these RELATED posts:
Boost Facebook Engagement With These Super-Hot Hacks
What To Post On Facebook To Get Sales

Always be a SUPERSTAR and SHINE!

May God richly bless your business,

