Make Money With Affiliate Marketing | How To Make $1K Per Hour

Suzanne Perkins M
13 min readAug 10, 2020


Top 4 Strategies to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

how to make 1k per hour image

Make money with affiliate marketing? How would YOU like to make $1,000 for just one hour of work with affiliate marketing?

In this post, I’m gonna teach you the 4 different ways or strategies that you can do just that. Ways that you can put in an hour’s worth of time and make a thousand dollars or more for that hour’s work.

Alright, here’s the things guys, I am about as real as real can be and I’m not gonna lie and say that the very first time that you do this it’s going to be an hour’s worth of work and you’re gonna make a thousand dollars.

Absolutely NOT!

That’s something that you work up to, that you can get to, if you put in the work, you learn the skills, and you take action. But I’m gonna give you the steps, exactly what you should be doing to make money with affiliate marketing, so that when you actually do take action AND you get good at this, it’s BOOM, it’s money in the bank for just an hour or so of work, it’s awesome!

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Now, I must say this is 100% focused on affiliate marketing. Why? Because you can make really, really good money with it and you don’t have to actually produce any of the products yourself which takes a lot of time, and customer service, and all that kind of stuff. So I’m focusing only on only ways to make money with affiliate marketing in this post.

Ground Rules

Alright, the ground rules, if you wanna make big money, well, you’re not gonna be working with like, Amazon associates and physical products.

Again, Why? Because you’re gonna make only life 5–7% of a sale when do that. Think about it just a minute, if you have an offer for $100, and someone makes a purchase through your offer, if it’s a physical product, you make $5–7 off that sale at 5–7% commission.

Well, that’s not especially something to write home about. You have to make a lot of sales to make any significant type of income. Compare that to, if your offer is a digital product for $100, where you’re making 30–50% commissions. Digital products don’t have the overhead so you can make more commission from digital products than the products that have all the overhead costs.

Okay! So, off of that one sell of $100 you can make 50 bucks. Now, that’s not bad. Simple question…. Would you rather make $50 commission or $5 commission? Not that difficult to process, people, or to choose for that matter. You need to work in the digital product space if you want to get to some big income like this for a small amount of work.

On top of that I’m really gonna focus high ticket sales, high ticket affiliate offers.

Why are we gonna focus on high ticket affiliate offers?

Simple, man, it’s math, it’s money. Let’s look at this, if you have an offer for $100 to a digital product and you make 50% commission, Okay, great, you made one sale, you get 50 bucks. Well, what if that one sale, instead of being $100, it was $2,000 and you make a one-time sale of $2,000, 50% of that is $1,000. You make $1,000 commission per sale or offer.

That’s 20 times the amount! That’s crazy! That is how you can get really big commissions from a little bit of work, is that you just need a few sales to make really, really, good money.

Imagine popping one sale like that a day? Making $1,000 commission, each and every single day.

Boom! Right?

That’s almost $400,000 a year. That’s awesome!! That’s life-changing money for 99.9% of people.

So that’s our two ground rules.

Ground Rules:
1 — Digital Product(s)
2 — High Ticket Offer(s)

If you need to know more about what that looks like, or you need references on what you should be using for high ticket offers, check out my #1 Recommendation for Affiliate Marketing!

Be sure to check that out so you can get some more information and details on high ticket offers and my number one recommendation for how to make money with affiliate marketing.

Principles to Affiliate Marketing

Alright, now I’m to the four strategies that you can do.

Affiliate marketing comes down to:
~ Building an audience
~ Driving Traffic

With building an audience, you need people to pay attention to what you’re doing.

So, build an audience and then from that audience you’re gonna drive traffic to your offers.

You’ve gotta take your audience members and put an offer in front of them, tell them why they need to click the link, why they need to take the next step.

Once you’ve got this big ‘ol audience, then you’re gonna have some of them who are gonna click the next step to your offer, to become a lead, and start your sales funnel process for whatever your offer is.

If you have a great program, a great affiliate offer, that’s really all you have to do, is create the audience and drive the traffic.

That’s another amazing feature of affiliate marketing. You could really, honestly, get this process down, one hour a day, and you can make bank, you make really, really big money because you’re not dealing with the customer service stuff. You’re not dealing with team building and product moving and all this kind of other stuff.

You are only building an audience and driving traffic.

Which can definitely be done in an hour a day.

Alright, so back to the four methods to make money with affiliate marketing.

Strategy #1

Well, let’s start out with blogging. I have a blog, LOL!, as you know, since you’re reading it. A blog was one of my first things to get started with online.

It is critical to have something that you own. Well blogging can be great for making sales. So if you learn the skill of SEO, search engine optimization, then when people look for something, they type it into Google, then your information, your article on your blog comes up. They read the article, and you send them off, and drive that traffic to your offer.


Obviously, when you first get started, number one, you have to learn the skill, so you’re gonna have to learn how to do the whole SEO thing. Number two, is it’s not gonna take you an hour to write a fully SEO’d blog post the first time you do it.

Absolutely not!

But you can get there, you can write a great article and when you leverage some different tools and maybe outsourcing some of your stuff, you can definitely do that in an hour a day, for sure.

So what kind of articles would you wanna write?

One of the easiest ones are review articles. These are where you can take whatever your high ticket offer is and do a review.

So if it’s a training course, if it’s an affiliate program, whatever the name of it is, you can just add review to the end of it, and in the blog post you’re just reviewing the program. Reviewing the training, reviewing the affiliate program, whatever it is, do it in a way that makes the search engines happy.

Then when people search for that thing, they’re already looking to buy. They already have their credit card in hand. They’re like, you know, somebody told me about X, you know Grapity-Grape, and I kinda like what I’m seeing, but I need to do a little research and look into this a little myself.

So what do they look up, they look up Grapity-Grape Review. Cool, they see, that your article comes up on that first page, they read it, they’re like dang. They decide they like what you have to say. They decide, I like this program, I like this offer, whatever.

In your article, you’re inviting them to make the purchase, you’re telling them why they gotta purchase, right? What the benefits are to them. You tell them to click the link to purchase, and that’s your affiliate link.


They were already queued up elsewhere, right? They got interested from someone else, but they’re signing, actually closing the deal with you because of that great article that you put up and you got to rank up on Google. So that’s option number one.

Strategy #2
Facebook Groups

Strategy number two is actually with Facebook. And Facebook, really groups in particular, you can do some crazy stuff with Facebook groups these days.

I really would never promote networking and just trying to talk to people on Facebook. You really are just gonna waste your time because that can take forever and consume a bunch of your work hours.

But, you can leverage ads and Facebook groups to build an audience, to get them engaged, and to invite them to take the next step.

I’ve got a good friend who’s just crushing some high ticket affiliate offers because she’s built an audience in Facebook Groups. She’s built an audience successfully. She goes into that audience, in that Facebook group, like once a day, makes a post, does a live, whatever. That audience is just super, super tight with her. And it’s big. So they’re making purchases, left and right, of really high ticket stuff, because it’s really, really a targeted audience for her offers. And, she’s really built up a lot of know, like, and trust factor, so you can do this with Facebook groups.

You can also do this with ads and you can also run ads to build your Facebook group. So there really is a lot of flexibility with it on Facebook, but leveraging some paid traffic and Facebook groups is a great way to make high ticket sales.

However, I’m not saying that you just set up an ad and just drive them directly to a high ticket offer. No, you definitely need something that starts low ticket if you’re driving just right from an ad on Facebook.

You make it simpler on yourself, just drive traffic to invite people to your group and then in the group is where you nurture them. And you provide them lots of value, and when they’ve built up that know, like, and trust factor, yeah, they’re open to a high ticket offer.


Now, are there more paid advertising options, absolutely! But, Facebook groups, that’s number two and paid ads is number three.

Strategy #3
Paid Ads

And it’s just paid ads in general.

You can look at Google ad words, you can actually set up ads with Google, you can set up ads with YouTube, the same kinda thing, they’re the same company essentially.

You can get in front of people’s YouTube videos, you can search traffic so if people are searching YouTube for certain terms your video can come up.

So again, the same idea. You could take the name of the offer, the program, the training or whatever it is that your high ticket thing is, and then just add review to the end of it. You could actually set that up as an ad in Google or on YouTube.

So when people are searching to learn more about this thing, you can be the one that gives them more information and then has a link, just handed to them. You know? Here’s the link to click to purchase. And that’s your affiliate link.

So leveraging paid advertising is a great way to go. Paid ads are a great way, a very leveraged way, to put in a little bit of work, set up your ads, maybe each and every day, you’re tweaking it, maybe you’re adding a new variation, you’re doing something, so you’re not putting in much time each and every day.

But you’re driving traffic into an offer. Now, if you’re looking to really, really do this paid traffic thing. You do want upfront, low ticket, low cost items that get people in the door and starts your funnel. So don’t just like throw an ad out there. Like I said with the Facebook ads, same concept guys, don’t just put an offer in front of a cold audience that you’re sending traffic to, your paid advertising, that is like a $5,000 offer. That’s really, really unlikely to work.

Instead, have a low ticket, you know something that’s not expensive, to get a qualified lead coming at you, where they spend five bucks, they spend 10 bucks, 20 bucks, even 50 bucks and that’s where you’re driving traffic from your ad.


You’re gonna get some revenue from that where you can pay for your ad. You can kinda break even from that and then everything else, the people that go further in the purchasing the high ticket stuff, and that’s where your profits kick in.

Strategy #4
YouTube Videos

Number four is with YouTube. YouTube videos, and especially YouTube review videos.

Same concepts. Right? Take the program you’re doing, the program your offer is from, just take the name of your offer, and add review to the end and shoot a video about it explaining what the program is, the offer is, and really letting people have an honest, realistic look behind the scenes and have the link ready for them that they can purchase with, AND that’s your affiliate link.

Once you’re used to doing videos you can definitely shoot a video and have it up within an hour. And if you don’t wanna deal with the after, post-editing stuff, just do a live video. It’s even easier, it’s even faster to have that out in front of your audience and have them clicking links and you making money.

Plus, when it comes to YouTube, when it comes to blogging, those things in particular, yes, it may take you an hour, or even let’s say four hours when you first start, whatever.

It may take you four hours to do a YouTube video and your very first one or something crazy like that, that’s okay, that’s okay! We all have to start somewhere.

But that video, maybe you don’t get a sale that very first day that you publish it, but it’s gonna be out there and searchable. People can find that years later and that can continue to bring you sales down the line.

So with blogging, with YouTube, you’re basically building up all of these assets that are working for you, bringing you new people, bringing you leads, and potential sales. So the more that you accumulate, the more videos that you do, the more sales that you’re making overall.

So it’s not a one for one, this is more of a passive income kind of thing where you’re creating great content, you’re setting it up so that people can find it when they search for it. Let’s say you get really, really good at doing your videos and you can shoot it and have it up in an hour. You’re a pro, that’s awesome!


You do that, you spend one hour today, well when you publish it, maybe you get some leads that end up as sales over the next few days from that one hour, that could continue for the whole next week. Right?

If it ranks on YouTube, for something that’s big! That could continue for months, or years.

I’ve got friends who’s channels have taken off and they’ve got a handful of videos that have just a crazy number of reviews and they’ve made so much money from just like one single video.

Just one video.

One video that just took off on them, they have made hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, the important thing to remember here is that one hour’s worth of work, you never know how big that’s gonna get.

Alright, now to learn more about how to master this world of affiliate marketing, even digital marketing in general, and high ticket offers, trust me, it’s gonna take more than just a couple YouTube videos.

You wanna go ahead and CLICK HERE so you can get my #1 recommended training that’s gonna teach you how to go from zero to six figures, six figures and above.

You definitely want to gain access to that as soon as possible.

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As always… a SUPERSTAR and SHINE!

Talk soon,

