Three Rules To Massively Grow Your Business

Suzanne Perkins M
10 min readJul 6, 2020


Make Money Online Through Beginner Affiliate Marketing

Today, I’m gonna give you three rules to run your business by. Yes, obviously you have to do a lot more than three things to grow your business and create a successful business at that. But, these three rules will give you a massive leg up in creating success in your business.

I’m gonna give you the three rules that have helped me create a large income from my online business. Let’s get you started.

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Rule #1
Be The Teacher/Leader

Rule number one. Be the leader, be the teacher. Hopefully, if you’re reading this post it means you already understand that you always need to be learning new things.

No matter how much success I’ve had or not had, I’m always working on continuing to learn more. To learn what’s happening NOW. The internet is always changing.

So there’s always something new to learn.

What is Your Posture?

Now, when you turn around and teach your own audience, what kind of posture are you using when you talk?

Really think about this. This is assuming also that you understand the importance of building an audience and creating great content and value to serve them, which you do need to do if you want to be successful in affiliate marketing and grow your business.

But when you’re creating content, videos, lives, blog posts, whatever, are you positioning yourself as the leader? As the teacher in front of the classroom? OR are you positioning yourself just as the best student in the front row?

Again, think about it for a minute. Just because you’re making a video or a blog post about what you’ve learned, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re the teacher.

I’ve seen a lot of people doing videos and creating content, but when you listen to exactly what and how they’re saying it, I can tell that they’re still speaking to their audience as a student.

Maybe a star student, but a student, nonetheless. When you’re talking to your own audience, you need to change roles and to become the teacher or the leader.

Yes, you’ll probably get leads as a student, but you won’t start getting a bunch of sales or signups until you become the teacher.

And here’s the difference.

The person who has the posture and the mindset of a star student, the student in the very front row of the classroom, they will focus more on themselves than their audience.

Student Posture

“Hey, hey Facebook, how is everyone doing today? I just wanted to talk to you a little bit about a great training that I went through. And today, I learned, I realized that, I’ve been struggling with. Today I had to share, I had to speak about.

Uses “I” and “Me”

How many times did I say “I” in all that? It’s all about you as the student. It’s really very “me” or “I” focused. Constantly saying the word “me” or “I”.

And, there’s very little about what’s in it for them, for your actual audience. That’s the mindset and posture of a student. Which is fine if you’re actually in the training. But once you turn around and start teaching what you’ve learned to your audience, you need to become the teacher or the leader.

You need to be the one standing in front of the classroom, not just the one sitting in the front row of class. You need to become the teacher, the leader.

So the number one thing you need to do to make that happen, the number one thing is to just stop talking about yourself.

Your audience doesn’t really care what you learned. They don’t care what you have to work on, or what struggles you have, or what you could be doing better in your business, so stop talking about it.

Teacher Posture

What they care about is how what you’re going to say can help them. How it can help their business. They care about what’s in it for them.

So instead of saying something like, “Hey, today I learned this really great prospecting technique I learned from Lisa Torres, and I’m gonna try it in my business.”

That sounds like the student.

Don’t say that.

Instead, say something like, “Hey, everybody, today I’m gonna teach you a great prospecting technique that helped my friend Lisa sponsor over 300 people into her business. It’s super effective and it’s really gonna help you make some breakthroughs to massively grow your business.”

Get it? Do you hear the difference? To be the teacher, to be the leader, you always need to be telling people what you are going to teach them. What they’re going to learn, and how it’s going to help them and their business or whatever industry or niche that you’re working with.

That’s really all that they care about.

So they don’t care about how much success you’ve had, or haven’t had yet. The less you talk about you and the more you talk about them, the more of the leader you’re gonna be.

Be A Problem Solver

Rule number two, be a problem solver. This is essential to grow your business.

If you want to make big, big dollars in this industry, then you’ve got to become a problem solver.

You need to solve your own problems, and then you need to start solving other people’s problems. This isn’t just true in online business, but it’s really true in any career that you might choose. People who innovate and solve problems, they’re the ones who get ahead, who get promoted, and eventually make the big money. This will grow your business and get you to the dollars.

Start Solving Your Own Problems

Start by just being able to solve your own problems. And when you start solving your own problems, that’s when you start to become a professional. When you don’t have to ask someone else about how to do things. But you can figure it out, look it up, do whatever, to figure it out for yourself.

We all have Google. So the chances are that it’s just a quick Google search or even a YouTube search and a video away.

Being able to solve your own problems is just the first step. And that’s because amateurs, they want everything figured out for them. Mostly because they haven’t learned yet where to go for the answers. As they grow, that will change for them too.

But generally when you’re new you want to be told exactly what to do and what to say and when to say it. Right? They are looking for that easy button that they can just push and start making money.

Guess what guys, that easy button does NOT exist. Professionals in this industry are willing to go out, get out of their comfort zone….

….do the work, ….

….test a bunch of ideas, and ….

….fail a bunch of times, ….

….to learn the lessons that only experience can actually teach, and thus solve their own problems.

So, what’s the next big step?

Solve Other’s Problems

Well, being able to then solve other people’s problems. And that’s when you start making big money, and can massively grow your business.

If you can solve a problem and then teach others how you solved that problem, that’s money in the bank right there. This is where the big money is. 💲💲💲

One of my mentors is really good at this. He will actually go out looking for a problem just so he can try to find a way to solve it. Because he knows that once he’s figured it out, cha-ching, it’s money in the bank. So, always look to be a problem-solver in your business.

Rule #3
Always Overdeliver

Number three, always overdeliver.

If you want to generate leads, then go ahead and make any claims or promises that you want. You’ll get some leads.

BUT…. If you want sales or sign-ups, if you want to create a loyal fan base that will continue to purchase from you for years to come, then you better over-deliver on whatever you’ve promised. And, yes, that also includes your free content and your giveaways, too. Overdeliver! This is an awesome habit to exponentially grow your business.

Now a lot of people might think, if you’re giving away all of your secrets and strategies for free, that you’ll lose some of your value. That if you don’t hold something back, that people won’t want to opt-in or join because they think that you’ve already given them everything that you had to offer.

But, here’s the thing, here’s why I’m not afraid to over-deliver. Because it doesn’t just work this way in business. It works this way in any type of job or career.

In my career, I was able to go from a receptionist to running an entire small irrigation company by myself. Why? Because I always over-delivered.

I started to learn the concepts of attraction marketing in my career prior to ever switching to owning my own online business. Learning some of the more demanding problems of managing the company, at the receptionist level, meant I needed to do lots of learning.

But it’s difficult to learn from those around you. My colleagues in the industry were hoarders. They would hoard information and knowledge about the processes, making sure that they were the only ones who knew how to set something up or how to fix something specific.

And, I’m sure, to them, which could be one or many depending on the size of the company, they considered that job security. Being the only ones who knew something.

Actually, those people were crazy frustrating because you always had to go begging to them for help whenever that one thing went wrong.

Instead of telling you, or teaching you, how to fix it, they would fix it themselves and refuse to tell you what they did. They felt that if everyone knew what they knew, that they would lose their value to the company. That they’d be in danger of losing their jobs. So that was their way of creating job security.

Then there were the other people in the office who would openly share everything that they knew with you. They would gladly have you learn everything that they knew because they knew it would make the system better. It would make their jobs better and easier, and it would just be a better work environment, because people are sharing their knowledge and helping others.

Well-Liked And Moved Up

And those were the people that everybody loved. They were the people who got the promotions. Everyone would genuinely feel happy for them.

So that’s who I decided to be, to model in the workplace. And, that is just who I am, I like to share my knowledge and help others do what they love or to grow in knowledge. And, I would make it a point to take on the difficult tasks and become a problem-solver. So, once I’d figure something out, then I’d document it, and then share. I just wanted to see if others knew it already or if it would be of assistance to them any way.

So I still love to share everything with the team without holding anything back. And sharing by overdelivering is a great habit to incorporate in order to grow your business.

But, you know what happened? I became the go-to-gal in my career. I became the expert that everyone went to for help and I was then groomed for upper management. Which meant being eligible for complete management of the company. So in about 1 years time I became such an expert that I was able to take over the management of the company. It became one of the most secure jobs I had ever had, because I always overdelivered.

I wasn’t afraid to give it my all and really provide a lot of value to the company and to my position.

Where Are They today?

And where are those knowledge-hoarders today? In the exact place they were. The same place they will always be. The same exact jobs. Because here’s the thing. The value you bring isn’t just in the knowledge you have.

Your Value Is Solving People’s Problems

Your value is in your ability to solve people’s problems, and in being able to teach and to mentor others . It’s in being able to provide people with that shortcut to their goals, because the difference between success and failure isn’t just knowledge. It’s wisdom. You can gain knowledge from a training program, but not wisdom.

Shortcut To Wisdom Is Mentorship

The only shortcut to wisdom is mentorship. So, don’t be afraid to overdeliver on the knowledge, because when you are a leader and a teacher who can solve people’s problems, the big value becomes your mentorship.

Follow these three rules and you can create a massive business. The business and the lifestyle of your dreams. It will continue over and over to help you grow your business.

Please know that I am in your corner and on your side and I am here to help you create the time freedom AND financial freedom that you and your family deserve. I want to help you grow your business. So subscribe to my Insider Newsletter so that I can do that. Be sure to like, share, and comment.

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As always be a SUPERSTAR! May God bless you!

Talk soon,

